Book records
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Records found: 44
Id Title Author Year
2580A Circumstantial Account of the Preparations for the Coronation of ...Walker, Edward 1820
2555A Panegyrick to the King. By His Majesties most humble, most Loyal, ...Higgons, Thomas 1660
2563A Panegyrick to the Kings Most Excellent MajestyCotton, Charles 1660
2564A Poem to His Most Excellent Majesty Charles the SecondBeeston Winton, H. 1660
2584A Poem upon His Majesties Coronation the 23 of April 1661. Being St. ...[Evelyn, John ?]1661
3037A poem upon the coronation Of His Most Sacred Majesty King James II. ...Mansell, R. 1685
2579A sermon Preached at the Magnificent Coronation of The Most High and ...Morley, George 1661
2568Anglia triumphans. Sive in inaugurationem serenissimi, potentissimi ...Keuchenius, Robertus 1660
2557Astraea Redux. A Poem On the Happy Restoration and Return Of His ...Dryden, John 1660
2561Carmen Thriambeutikon Regiæ Majestati Caroli II. Principum et ...Jevon, Rachel 1660
1895Einzug in Londen, von Ihrer königl. Mayest. Carolo II. König in ...1660
2567Einzug in Londen, von Ihrer königl. Mayest. Carolo II. König in ...1660
2562Exultationis Carmen To the Kings Most Excellent Majesty upon His Most ...Jevon, Rachel 1660
2571Festa Georgiana, Or the Gentries & Countries Joy for the Coronation ...1661
2573Heroick Stanzas On His Maiesties CoronationPordage, Samuel 1661
2574Il trionfo d'Inghilterra overo racconto, et relatione Delle ...1661
2559In mirabilem Caroli II. M. Britanniæ, Franciæ, & Hiberniæ Regis . ...Wase, Christopher 1660
2543L'Ordre et ceremonies obseruees au baptesme du Prince d'Angleterre1630
2589Narrative of the visit of His Majesty King Charles the Second to ...Turner, Dawson 1846
2572Neptunes Address to His Most Sacred Majesty Charles the Second: King ...[Tatham, John ]1661
2582Of the Celebration of the King's Coronation-Day, In the famous City ...Smith, William 1661
2368Relacion de la fiestas que se hizieron en Lisboa, con la nueva del ...1662
2581Relacion verdadera del viage, seqvito y entrada qve hizo en Londres ...1660
2665Relation en forme de journal du voyage et sejour, Que . . . Charles ...1660
2666Relation en forme de journal, du voyage et sejour, Que le Serenissime ...1660
2586St. Georges Day Sacred to the Coronation of His Most Excellent ...Bold, Henry 1661
2577The Entertainment of His Most Excellent Majestie Charles II, in His ...Ogilby, John 1662
2576The Entertainment of His Most Excellent Majestie Charles II, in His ...Ogilby, John 1662
2570The Entire Ceremonies of the Coronations of His Majesty King Charles ...Ashmole, Elias 1761
2551The forme and order of the coronation of Charles the Second, King of ...1651
2509The Institution, Laws & Ceremonies Of the most noble Order of the ...Ashmole, Elias 1672
2578The Kings Coronation: Being an Exact Account of the Cavalcade, with a ...Ogilby, John 1685
2569The Manner & solemnitie of the coronation of King Charles the Second ...Heawood, William 1863
2617The Manner & solemnitie of the coronation of King Charles the Second ...Heawood, William 1863
2575The Relation of His Majestie's Entertainment Passing through the City ...Ogilby, John 1661
2560Three Royal Poems upon the Return of Charles II. King of England, ...Philobasileus 1660
2585To His Sacred Majesty, A Panegyrick on His CoronationDryden, John 1661
2558To His Sacred Majesty, Charles The Second, on His Happy ReturnEdwards, Thomas 1660
2556To the King's Most Excellent Majesty: on His Happie and Miraculous ...Ellis, Clement 1660
2554To the King, upon His Majesties Happy ReturnWaller, Edmund n.d.
2553To the King, upon His Majesties Happy Return. By a Person of Honour1660
2552To the Kings Most Excellent Majesty. To His Highnesse the Duke of ...Lluelyn, Martin 1660
2566Triumphirlischer Einzug, von Carolus II. König von Groß Britangien ...Cox 1660
2583Verses On the blessed and happy Coronation of Charles IIRich, John 1661