2580 | A Circumstantial Account of the Preparations for the Coronation of ... | Walker, Edward | 1820 |
2555 | A Panegyrick to the King. By His Majesties most humble, most Loyal, ... | Higgons, Thomas | 1660 |
2563 | A Panegyrick to the Kings Most Excellent Majesty | Cotton, Charles | 1660 |
2564 | A Poem to His Most Excellent Majesty Charles the Second | Beeston Winton, H. | 1660 |
2584 | A Poem upon His Majesties Coronation the 23 of April 1661. Being St. ... | [Evelyn, John ?] | 1661 |
3037 | A poem upon the coronation Of His Most Sacred Majesty King James II. ... | Mansell, R. | 1685 |
2579 | A sermon Preached at the Magnificent Coronation of The Most High and ... | Morley, George | 1661 |
2568 | Anglia triumphans. Sive in inaugurationem serenissimi, potentissimi ... | Keuchenius, Robertus | 1660 |
2557 | Astraea Redux. A Poem On the Happy Restoration and Return Of His ... | Dryden, John | 1660 |
2561 | Carmen Thriambeutikon Regiæ Majestati Caroli II. Principum et ... | Jevon, Rachel | 1660 |
1895 | Einzug in Londen, von Ihrer königl. Mayest. Carolo II. König in ... | | 1660 |
2567 | Einzug in Londen, von Ihrer königl. Mayest. Carolo II. König in ... | | 1660 |
2562 | Exultationis Carmen To the Kings Most Excellent Majesty upon His Most ... | Jevon, Rachel | 1660 |
2571 | Festa Georgiana, Or the Gentries & Countries Joy for the Coronation ... | | 1661 |
2573 | Heroick Stanzas On His Maiesties Coronation | Pordage, Samuel | 1661 |
2574 | Il trionfo d'Inghilterra overo racconto, et relatione Delle ... | | 1661 |
2559 | In mirabilem Caroli II. M. Britanniæ, Franciæ, & Hiberniæ Regis . ... | Wase, Christopher | 1660 |
2543 | L'Ordre et ceremonies obseruees au baptesme du Prince d'Angleterre | | 1630 |
2589 | Narrative of the visit of His Majesty King Charles the Second to ... | Turner, Dawson | 1846 |
2572 | Neptunes Address to His Most Sacred Majesty Charles the Second: King ... | [Tatham, John ] | 1661 |
2582 | Of the Celebration of the King's Coronation-Day, In the famous City ... | Smith, William | 1661 |
2368 | Relacion de la fiestas que se hizieron en Lisboa, con la nueva del ... | | 1662 |
2581 | Relacion verdadera del viage, seqvito y entrada qve hizo en Londres ... | | 1660 |
2665 | Relation en forme de journal du voyage et sejour, Que . . . Charles ... | | 1660 |
2666 | Relation en forme de journal, du voyage et sejour, Que le Serenissime ... | | 1660 |
2586 | St. Georges Day Sacred to the Coronation of His Most Excellent ... | Bold, Henry | 1661 |
2577 | The Entertainment of His Most Excellent Majestie Charles II, in His ... | Ogilby, John | 1662 |
2576 | The Entertainment of His Most Excellent Majestie Charles II, in His ... | Ogilby, John | 1662 |
2570 | The Entire Ceremonies of the Coronations of His Majesty King Charles ... | Ashmole, Elias | 1761 |
2551 | The forme and order of the coronation of Charles the Second, King of ... | | 1651 |
2509 | The Institution, Laws & Ceremonies Of the most noble Order of the ... | Ashmole, Elias | 1672 |
2578 | The Kings Coronation: Being an Exact Account of the Cavalcade, with a ... | Ogilby, John | 1685 |
2569 | The Manner & solemnitie of the coronation of King Charles the Second ... | Heawood, William | 1863 |
2617 | The Manner & solemnitie of the coronation of King Charles the Second ... | Heawood, William | 1863 |
2575 | The Relation of His Majestie's Entertainment Passing through the City ... | Ogilby, John | 1661 |
2560 | Three Royal Poems upon the Return of Charles II. King of England, ... | Philobasileus | 1660 |
2585 | To His Sacred Majesty, A Panegyrick on His Coronation | Dryden, John | 1661 |
2558 | To His Sacred Majesty, Charles The Second, on His Happy Return | Edwards, Thomas | 1660 |
2556 | To the King's Most Excellent Majesty: on His Happie and Miraculous ... | Ellis, Clement | 1660 |
2554 | To the King, upon His Majesties Happy Return | Waller, Edmund | n.d. |
2553 | To the King, upon His Majesties Happy Return. By a Person of Honour | | 1660 |
2552 | To the Kings Most Excellent Majesty. To His Highnesse the Duke of ... | Lluelyn, Martin | 1660 |
2566 | Triumphirlischer Einzug, von Carolus II. König von Groß Britangien ... | Cox | 1660 |
2583 | Verses On the blessed and happy Coronation of Charles II | Rich, John | 1661 |