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Book ID: 2666
Title Relation en forme de journal, du voyage et sejour, Que le Serenissime et Tres-Puissant Prince Charles II Roy de la Grand' Bretagne, etc A fait en Holland, depuis le 25 May, jusques au 2 Juin 1660
Year of event 1660
Event description Journey to the Netherlands of Charles II, King of Great Britain and Ireland (1630-1685) and entry into Breda, Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Delft and The Hague
Event type Compendia and general works: Netherlands; Journeys and progresses
Event place Amsterdam; Delft; The Hague; Rotterdam; Breda
Publication info The Hague: Adrian Vlacq; 1660; 2°
Pages 108pp
Illustrations 7 engravings, comprising a portrait of Charles II by Cornelis van Dalen and 6 scenes by David and Pierre Philippe and Theodor Matham after Adriaen van de Venne and Jacob Toorenvliet
Festival type
Rulers Charles II, King of England, Scotland and Ireland
Artists Dalen, Cornelis van; Matham, Theodor; Philippe, David; Philippe, Pierre; Toorenvliet, Jacob; Venne, Adriaen van de
Shelfmark V&A 67.B.45; V&A Piot J.518