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Book ID: 2579
Title A sermon Preached at the Magnificent Coronation of The Most High and Mighty King Charles the IId. King of Great Britain, France, and Ireland . . . At the Collegiate Church of S. Peter Westminster, The 23d of April, (being S. George's Day) 1661. By . . . George Lord Bishop of Worcester
Authors Morley, George
Year of event 1661
Event description Coronation of Charles II (1630-1685) as King of England and Scotland
Event type Coronations, elections and accessions
Event place London
Publication info London: Printed by R. Norton for T. Garthwait; 1661
Pages vi + 62pp
Illustrations 2 engravings
Festival type Sermons
Rulers Charles II, King of England, Scotland and Ireland
Shelfmark BL T.2168.(1.); BL 226.f.20.(13.); BL 4475.f.25.; BL 605.c.1.; BL 694.g.9.(1.); BL G.20135; BL T.2168.(1.)
Notes The copy at BL 605.c.1. includes a portrait of Charles II. The copy at BL 4475.f.25. is another edition (London; 1661; reprinted 1714; 4°)