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Book ID: 2589
Title Narrative of the visit of His Majesty King Charles the Second to Norwich, in the September of the year 1671; as related by Blomefield and Echard, and as detailed in a private unpublished letter. Illustrated by Extracts from the Norwich and Yarmouth Corporation Books
Authors Turner, Dawson
Year of event 1671
Event description Entry into Norwich of Charles II, King of England and Scotland (1630-1685)
Event type Entries
Event place Norwich
Publication info Yarmouth: Charles Sloman; 1846; 4°
Pages 19pp
Festival type Entries
Rulers Charles II, King of England, Scotland and Ireland
Shelfmark BL 10805.d.17.; BL 811.d.34.(3.); BL C.41.f.12.; V&A A.16 Box II