Book records
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Records found: 13
2519 | A Handefvl of Gladsome Verses, giuen to the Queenes Maiesty at ... | Churchyarde, Thomas | 1592 |
2521 | Collections relative to the Funerals of Mary Queen of Scots | P., R. (ed.) | 1822 |
2520 | Expicedium. A Fvneral Oration, vpon the death of the late deceased ... | [Niccols, Richard ] | 1603 |
2514 | Kenilworth Festivities: Comprising Laneham's Description of the ... | | 1825 |
2511 | Masques: performed before Queen Elizabeth. From a coeval copy, in a ... | Hamper, W. (ed.); [Ferrers, G. ?] | 1820 |
2518 | Speeches delivered by Queen Elizabeth on her visit to Sudeley Castle ... | Brydges, E. (introd.) | 1815 |
2517 | Speeches delivered to Her Maiestie this last Progresse, at the Right ... | | 1592 |
2516 | The Honorable Entertainement gieuen to the Queenes Maiestie in ... | | 1591 |
2515 | The Ioyfvll Receyuing of the Queenes most excellent Maiestie into hir ... | G., B. | 1578 |
233 | The Landgrave of Hessen his princelie receiving of her Majesties ... | Monings, Edward | 1596 |
3067 | The Queenes Maiesties Entertainement at Woodstock | | 1585 |
2513 | The Quenes Maiesties Passage through the Citie of London to ... | Osborn, James M. (ed.) | 1960 |
2512 | The Royall Passage of her Maiesty from the Tower of London, to her ... | | 1604 |