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Book ID: 978
Title Lettera ad un amico, In ragguaglio della Legazione Dell' Eminentiss., e Reverendiss. Signor Card. Carlo Barberini Allà Maestà Cattolica del Rè Filippo V. in nome Del Regnante Sommo Pontefice Clemente XI. L'Anno 1702
Year of event 1702
Event description Cardinal Carlo Barberini (1630-1704) goes to Felipe V, King of Spain (1683-1746), as Papal Legate
Event type Visits
Event place
Publication info Rome: Pietro Olivieri; [1702]; 4°
Pages ii + 74 fol.
Festival type
Rulers Barberini, Carlo, Cardinal; Felipe V, King of Spain (Philippe, duc d'Anjou)
Shelfmark BNF H- 5611; V&A Piot D 1038