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Book ID: 849
Title Descrittione Della solennissima Entrata fatta in Roma dall' Sig. Duca di Cremau, Prencipe d'Ecchembergh Ambasciatore Straordinario per la Maestà Cesarea di Ferdinando III. Imperatore e Re de' Romani Alla Santità di N.S. Vrbano Ottavo . . .
Authors Gerardi, Antonio
Year of event 1638
Event description Entry into Rome of Johann Anton von Eggenberg, Prince of Krumau (1610-1649), ambassador to Pope Urban VIII (Maffeo Barberini - 1623-1644) from Ferdinand III, Holy Roman Emperor (1608-1657).
Event type Entries
Event place Rome
Publication info Rome: Andrea Fei; 1638; 4°
Pages 16pp
Illustrations 1 woodcut
Festival type Entries
Rulers Eggenberg, Johann Anton von, Prince of Krumau
Shelfmark HAB 32.18 Pol. (20); BNF 4- H- 14065; BNF Fr-20980, fol. 10 ; BNF Ms. Français-20980, fol. 101; V&A Piot A Box I (11)
Notes Krumau is now Česky Krumlov in the Czech Republic. See also Book IDs 850-851.