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Book ID: 843
Title Relazione della famosa festa fatta in Roma alli XXV di Febbraio MDCXXXIV sotto gli auspicj dell'eminentissimo Sig. Cardinale Antonio Barberini
Year of event 1634
Event description Visit to Rome of Alexander Karl Vasa, Prince of Poland (1614-1634); festivity staged by Cardinal Antonio Barberini (1608-1671)
Event type Visits
Event place Rome
Publication info Rome: tip. Tiberina; 1882; 8°
Pages 92pp
Festival type Running at the quintain
Rulers Alexander Karl Vasa, Prince of Poland; Barberini, Antonio, Cardinal
Shelfmark BL 9930.g.28.; BNF 8- RA5- 953
Notes Running at the quintain in the Piazza Navona.