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Book ID: 642
Title Breve ragguaglio de' matrimoni delle principesse di Sicilia cogli arciduchi di Austria e el viaggio de' sovrani di Napoli per Vienna . . .
Authors Palermo, Salvatore
Year of event 1791
Event description Wedding in Naples of Franz II, Holy Roman Emperor (1768-1835), and his brother Ferdinand, Grand Duke of Tuscany (1769-1824), to Maria Teresa di Borbone, Princess of Naples (1772-1804), and her sister Luisa di Borbone, Princess of Sicily (1773-1802)
Event type Weddings and betrothals
Event place Naples
Publication info Naples: S. Palermo; 1791; 8°
Festival type
Rulers Ferdinand III, Grand Duke of Tuscany (1769-1824); Franz II, Holy Roman Emperor; Luisa di Borbone, Princess of Naples, Grand Duchess of Tuscany; Maria Teresa di Borbone, Princess of Sicily, wife of Franz II, Holy Roman Emperor
Shelfmark BNF 8- RA5- 690 ; BNF 8- RA6- 249