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Book ID: 58
Title La Gara. Opera dramatica rappresentata in Musica per introduttione di Torneo fatto in Vienna per la Nascita della serenissima Infanta di Spagna Donna Margarita Maria [sic] d'Austria
Year of event 1652
Event description Celebrations in Vienna for the birth of Margarita Teresa, Spanish Infanta (1651-1673)
Event type Births and christenings
Event place Vienna
Publication info Vienna: M. Riccio; 1652; 2°
Festival type Operas; Tournaments
Rulers Ferdinand III, Holy Roman Emperor; Leopold I, Holy Roman Emperor; Margarita Teresa, Spanish Infanta, wife of Leopold I, Holy Roman Emperor
Artists Burnacini, Giovanni (Burnacinius, Johannes) (1610-1655) {Arch; Design}
Shelfmark BL 639.l.10.(1.); BNF 4-RA6-70; BNF R-222047
Notes Operatic introduction to a tournament.