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Book ID: 529
Title Trionfo Benedettino Nelle Solenne Feste, e Sontuoso Apparato in onore di S. Mavro Abbate, Celebrata per noue giorni continui da Monaci Cassinensi nell'Abbadia . . . de SS. Apostoli Pietro, e Paolo Ingessato di Milano
Year of event 1657-1658
Event description Novena in honour of St Mauro, a Benedictine Abbot (512-584)
Event type Religious Festivities
Event place Monte Cassino
Publication info Milan: Giulio Cesare; [1658]; 4°
Pages v + 67pp
Illustrations 1 woodcut
Festival type Fireworks; Religious festivities
Rulers Mauro, St.
Shelfmark BL; V&A Piot F 892
Notes Monte Cassino is the site of the famous monastery founded by St Benedict in 529. From the description by Placido Puccinelli.