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Book ID: 520
Title Kurtze Beschreibung Des Einzugs/ So Ihro Majest. Die Königin von Spanien In Milano den II. Junii gehalten.
Year of event 1710
Event description Illumination for the entry into Milan of Elisabeth Christine, Princess of Braunschweig and Lüneburg (1691-1750), on her way to Spain to join Karl, Archduke of Austria (1685-1740), as Carlos III King of Spain (1703-1711), later as Karl VI, Holy Roman Emperor (1711-1740)
Event type Entries; Bridal Entries
Event place Milan
Publication info n.p.; [1710]; 4°
Pages 4pp
Festival type Illuminations
Rulers Elisabeth Christine, Duchess of Braunschweig-Lüneburg, wife of Karl VI, Holy Roman Emperor
Shelfmark HAB Gi 4° 17
Notes Milan became Austrian territory in 1714.