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Book ID: 500
Title Arminia, egloga di Giambattista Visconte, dottore de collegio di Milano. Rappresentata à spese della Città da giouani nobili d'essa; Alla presenza della Sereniß. Infante Donna Isabella d'Austria, & del Sereniß. Arciduca Alberto suo Marito à [ ] di Luglio 1599.
Authors Visconte, Giambattista
Year of event 1599
Event description Visit to Milan of Isabella Clara Eugenia, Infanta of Spain (1566-1633), and Albrecht, Archduke of Austria (1559-1621)
Event type Visits
Event place Milan
Publication info Milan: per Pandolfo Malatesta; 1599; 4°
Pages ii + 65 fol.
Illustrations 1 woodcut (coat-of-arms) on title page
Festival type Dramas; Eclogues
Rulers Albrecht, Archduke of Austria, Governor of the Netherlands; Isabella Clara Eugenia, Infanta of Spain, Archduchess of Austria
Shelfmark BNF 8- RA5- 398; BNF YD- 924
Notes Dramatic text only.