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Book ID: 379
Title La solennissima creatione dello illvstrissimo novo Dvca de Ferrara per lo illvstrissimo et excellentissimo principe et S.S. Don Hercvle primo Dvca de Sciartres
Authors Pendaglia, Angelo
Year of event 1534
Event description Accession of Ercole II d'Este as Duke of Ferrara (1508-1559)
Event type Coronations, elections and accessions
Event place
Publication info [Florence?]; 1534; 4°
Pages [8]pp
Festival type Masses; Musical performances and concerts; Processions
Rulers Ercole d'Este, Duke of Ferrara, Duke of Chartres; Renée, Duchess of Lorraine, Duchess of Bavaria
Shelfmark BL 811.g.36.
Notes Ercole d'Este was Duke of Chartres through his wife Renée (1509-1575).