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Book ID: 376
Title Il torneo / di Bonaventvra Pistofilo . . . Nel teatro di Pallade . . .
Authors Pistofilo, Bonaventura
Year of event
Event description A general work on the foot tournament.
Event type Compendia and general works: Italy
Event place
Publication info Bologna: il Ferrone; 1627; 4°
Pages xvi + 355pp
Illustrations Engraved title page; 117 engravings attributed to Giovanni Battista Coriolano
Festival type Foot tournaments
Artists Coriolano, Giovanni Battista
Shelfmark BL 785.h.6.; BNF 4- S- 4472; BNF 4- S- 4473; BNF 8- RA5- 31 ; BNF R 116771; BNF RES- K- 148; BNF RES- V- 1892; V&A Piot A 427; BSB Res/4 Herald. 86 n
Notes The colophon gives the date as 1626.