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Book ID: 2944
Title Sacrificio A Venere Serenata Fatta Cantare nel felicissimo giorno Natalizio della S.C.R.C.M. Dell’Augustissima Imperatrice Elisabetta Cristina Dall’Illustrissimo, ed Eccellentissimo Signore Il Signor Conte Gio. Vincislao di Gallasso Ambasciador Cesareo, e Cattolico in Roma
Authors Rolli, Paolo
Year of event 1714
Event description Celebrations in Rome for the birthday of Elisabeth Christine, Princess of Braunschweig and Lüneburg (1691-1750), wife of Karl VI, Holy Roman Emperor
Event type Birthdays and namedays
Event place Rome
Publication info Naples: Camillo Cavalli; 1714; 4°
Pages 16pp
Festival type Serenades
Rulers Elisabeth Christine, Duchess of Braunschweig-Lüneburg, wife of Karl VI, Holy Roman Emperor
Artists Bononcini, Giovanni Battista; Rolli, Paolo Antonio
Shelfmark BL 11715.i.28.(1.); BSB L.eleg.m. 3821