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Book ID: 2876
Title Heidnischer Götter und Göttinnen prächtiger Auffzug. Anno 1695. gehalten in Dreßden.
Year of event 1695
Event description Procession through the streets of Dresden held by Friedrich August I, Elector of Saxony (1670-1733)
Event type Carnival celebrations; Journeys and progresses
Event place Dresden
Publication info Augsburg: Jeremias Wolff and Johann Jacob Lotter; 1718; 2°
Illustrations 20 double-page engravings
Festival type Dialogues
Rulers Friedrich August I, Elector of Saxony, as August II, King of Poland
Shelfmark BL 1875.a.16.
Notes This is a reprint of the engravings contained in a work printed in [1697] (see Book ID 287). 1718 was the year in which August II's son, Friedrich August II, Prince of Saxony, married the imperial princess, Maria Josepha.