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Book ID: 2851
Title Achille in Sciro, opera . . . rappresentata nell'imperial teatro di St-Pietroburgo, in occasione della . . . nascita di S.A.I. il grand duca Alessandro Paulovitsch. Achille à Sciros, opéra . . .
Authors Metastasio, Pietro
Year of event 1778
Event description Opera 'Achille in Sciro' performed in St Petersburg for the birth of Alexander I Paulovich, later Emperor of Russia (1777-1825)
Event type Births and christenings
Event place St Petersburg
Publication info St Petersburg: Impr. de l'Accademia imp. des sciences; 1778; 8°
Festival type Operas
Rulers Alexander I Pavlovich, Emperor of Russia
Artists Paisiello, Giovanni
Shelfmark BNF 8- RA15- 9
Notes The composer was Giovanni Paisiello.