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Book ID: 2800
Title Das große Carrosel Und Prächtige Ring=Rännen Nebst dem Was sonsten Fürtrefliches zu sehen war/ Als der Durchleuchtigste Großmächtigste Konig und Herr Carl der Eÿlffste/ Die Regierung seines Väterlichen Erb=Königreichs anno M.DC.LXXII. den XVIII.den Decembris In seiner Königlichen Residenz zu Stockholm Antratt
Authors Klöcker von Ehrenstrahl, David
Year of event 1672
Event description Coronation in Stockholm of Carl XI (1655-1697), King of Sweden
Event type Coronations, elections and accessions
Event place Stockholm
Publication info Stockholm: Joh. G. Eberdt; 1672; 2°
Pages ii + 13pp + plates
Illustrations Engraved title page; 71 engravings by Georg Christian Eimmart, S. Le Clerc, P. le Pautre and C. Simonneau after David Klöcker Ehrenstrahl
Festival type Banquets and feasts; Fireworks; Tournaments
Rulers Carl XI, King of Sweden
Artists Ehrenstrahl, David Klöcker; Eimmart, Georg Christian; Le Clerc, Sébastien; Le Pautre, Jean; Simonneau, Philippe
Shelfmark BL HS.85/25; HAB Gs 2° 14; BNF 2007- 25306 ; V&A Piot J.527
Notes Plate 16 appears to be missing from the copy at HAB Gs 2° 14; plates 59 and 60 are bound in after plate 62. Added title page reads 'Certamen equestre cæteraque solemnia Holmiæ Suecorum Ao: MDCLXXII.M.Decbr: celebrata cum Carolus XI. omnium cum applausu aviti regni regimen capessere'. Copy at BL HS.85/25 and at BNF 2007- 25306 is a commented facsimile of the original Latin text with German title page and translation; commentary volume in Swedish and English (Stockholm : Byggförlaget, 2005).