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Book ID: 2710
Title Le Voyage dv Prince Don Fernande Infant d'Espagne, Cardinal, Depuis le douziéme d'Auril de l'an 1632. qu'il partit de Madrit pour Barçelone avec le Roy Philippe IV. son frere, jusques au jour de son entrée en la ville de Bruxelles le quatriéme du mois de Novembre de l'an 1634
Authors Aedo et Gallart, Diego de; Chifflet, Jules (trans.)
Year of event 1632-1634
Event description Journey to the Netherlands and entry into Brussels of Ferdinand, Infante of Spain, Cardinal Archbishop of Toledo and Governor of the Netherlands (1609-1641). Entries into Genoa, milan, Sondrio, Innsbruck, Aschaffenburg, Heynsberg, Brussels.
Event type Entries; Journeys and progresses
Event place Brussels; Genoa; Innsbruck; Milan; Sondrio; Aschaffenburg; Heynsberg
Publication info Antwerp: Jean Cnobbaert; 1635; 8°
Pages xiii + 204pp
Illustrations 3 engravings by Ignaz Cornelius Marinus including a title page after Pieter Paul Rubens and 1 etched portrait by Andreas Pauli after J. van den Hoecke
Festival type Entries
Rulers Ferdinand, Infante of Spain and Cardinal
Artists Hoecke, J. van den; Marinus, Ignaz Cornelius; Pauli, Andreas; Rubens, Pieter Paul
Shelfmark BL 1200.c.18.(2.); BL 177.a.25.; BL G.7340.; HAB 117.16 Hist.; HAB Gi 3 (1); V&A Piot C.0939
Notes Translated from Spanish.