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Book ID: 2709
Title Tonneel der Wt-vaerden van Ferdinandus Coninck, Carolus Keyser, Philippus den tweeden, Rudolphus den tweeden, Philippus den derden, midtsgaders t'leuen, ouerlijden ende begrauinghe van Albertus den Godt-vruchtigen Ertz-hertoge van Oostenrijck, Hertoghe van Bourgoigne, Brabant, etc.
Authors Meerbeck, Adriaan van
Year of event 1622
Event description Funeral of Albert, Archduke of Austria, Duke of Brabant (1559-1621)
Event type Funerals, Laments and Memorial Services
Event place Brussels
Publication info Brussels: Ferdinande de Hoeymaker; 1622; 8°
Illustrations 2 woodcuts (identical)
Festival type
Rulers Albrecht, Archduke of Austria, Governor of the Netherlands
Shelfmark BL 9930.a.15.