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Book ID: 2698
Title Descritione delle feste fatte de la Regina di Ongheria alla Maesta di Cesare, il Principe la regina di Francia et molti altri Principi, & Oratori. Nuouamente stampata
Year of event 1549
Event description Visit to Binche by the future Felipe II, King of Spain (1527-1598), on his tour through Italy, Germany and the Low Countries hosted by Maria of Hungary (1505-1558), Governor of the Netherlands, widow of Ludwig II, King of Hungary.
Event type Journeys and progresses; Visits
Event place Binche
Publication info n.p.; 1549; 8°
Festival type Banquets and feasts; Tournaments
Rulers Felipe II, King of Spain; Karl V, Holy Roman Emperor; Mary, Queen of Hungary
Shelfmark V&A Piot 574 G