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Book ID: 2643
Title Londons Glory, or, the Lord Mayor's Show: Containing an Illustrious Description of the several Triumphant Pageants . . . Performed on Friday, October XXIX. 1680. For the Entertainment of the Right Honourable Sir Patience Warde, Knight, Lord Mayor of the City of London. At the proper Cost and Charges of the Right Worshipful Company of Merchant-Taylors
Authors Jordan, Thomas
Year of event 1680
Event description Inauguration as Lord Mayor of London of Patience Warde (1629-1696)
Event type Installation as Lord Mayor of London
Event place London
Publication info London: John & Henry Playford; 1680; 4°
Pages ii + 16pp
Festival type Pageants
Rulers Warde, Patience, Lord Mayor of London
Shelfmark BL 113.l.20.