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Book ID: 2636
Title London's resurrection to joy and triumph, Expressed in sundry shews, shapes, scenes, speeches, and songs in parts; Celebrious to the much-meriting Magistrate Sir George Waterman Knight, Lord Mayor Of the City of London. At the Peculiar and Proper Expences of the Worshipful Company of Skinners
Authors Jordan, Thomas
Year of event 1671
Event description Inauguration as Lord Mayor of London of George Waterman (d.1682)
Event type Installation as Lord Mayor of London
Event place London
Publication info London: Printed for Henry Brome; 1671; 4°
Pages 20pp
Festival type Songs; Speeches
Rulers Waterman, George, Lord Mayor of London
Shelfmark BL 605.b.18.; BL Ac.9480; BSB Film R 361-1465 ; BSB P.o.angl. 276 k-10
Notes BL Ac.9480 and BSB P.o.angl. 276 k-10 are another edition contained in Early English Poetry, Ballads, and Popular Literature of the Middle Ages, vol. 10 (London: The Percy Society; 1842, 8°).