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Book ID: 2496
Title Per la faustissima nascita di S.A.R. il signor principe di Beira, primogenito delle LL.AA.RR. il reale infante D. Pietro Priore del Crato, e la real principessa del Brasile ereditaria di Portogallo, cantata
Authors N. N., Signor
Year of event 1761
Event description Birth of José Francisco, Prince of Beira (1761-1788)
Event type Births and christenings
Event place
Publication info Lugano: gli Agnelli; 1761; 4°
Pages 19pp
Illustrations Small engraving on title page; engraved frontispiece (coat-of-arms); a small engraving heads the text.
Festival type Cantatas
Rulers José Francisco, Prince of Beira
Shelfmark BNF 8- RA14- 25
Notes Text of a cantata with an indication that it was followed by a ballet of nymphs and shepherds.