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Book ID: 2461
Title Descripcion de el adorno, y demas festivos obsequios, que el Colegio Mayor de Santo Thomas Previno, para celebrar a su dignissimo patrono el excelentissimo Señor Don Francisco Delgado y Venegas, Arzobispo de Sevilla . . . El dia 24. de Octubre del año de 1776. . . .
Year of event 1776
Event description Celebration in Seville in honour of Francisco Delgado y Venegas, Archbishop of Seville and Cardinal (d.1781), who became 'Patriarch of the Indies' in 1777
Event type Festivities of Homage
Event place Seville
Publication info Seville: Geronymo de Castilla; [1776]; 4°
Pages 54pp
Festival type
Rulers Delgado y Venegas, Francisco, Cardinal
Shelfmark BL 811.e.50.