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Book ID: 2456
Title Breve noticia del viage del Rey nuestro señor . . . A las Batìdas del Castañàr, y su buelta por Toledo à visitàr à nuestra Señora del Sagrario; Adoracion de las Santas Reliquias, y buelta à su Real Sitio de Aranjuez, en los dias 22. 23. y 24. de Abril de este Año de 1761
Year of event 1761
Event description Entry into Castañar, Toledo and Aranjuez of Carlos III, King of Spain (1716-1788); religious festivity
Event type Entries; Religious Festivities
Event place Aranjuez; Castañar; Toledo
Publication info [Madrid]; [1761]; 4°
Pages 14pp
Festival type Religious festivities; Entries
Rulers Carlo di Borbone, Duke of Parma and Piacenza, Carlo VII, King of Naples and Sicily, Carlos III, King of Spain
Shelfmark BL 811.e.55.
Notes Carlos III was Duke of Parma and Piacenza (1731-1735), Carlo VII, King of Naples and Sicily (1735-1759), and Carlos III, King of Spain (1759-1788).