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Book ID: 2437
Title Inscripciones, y poesias, con que se adornò el frontispicio de la real y pontif. vniversidad de Cervera en el arribo de la serenissima Señora la Señora Infanta de España, y Princesa de Piemonte, Doña Maria Antonia Fernanda . . .
Year of event 1750
Event description Entry into Cervera of Maria Antonia Fernanda, Spanish Infanta (1729-1785), wife of Vittorio Amadeus III, King of Sardinia and Duke of Savoy (1726-1796)
Event type Bridal Entries; Weddings and betrothals
Event place Cervera
Publication info Cervera: Joseph Barber y Compañia; [1750?]; 4°
Festival type Entries
Rulers Fernando VI, King of Spain; Maria Antonia Fernanda, Spanish Infanta, Queen of Sardinia; Vittorio Amadeo III, King of Sardinia, Duke of Savoy
Shelfmark BL 9930.e.65.(6.)