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Book ID: 2399
Title Diario del Viaggio della Maestà del rè Carlo III. Dalli 10. sino alli 26. Luglio del presente Anno 1706; E la sua proclamazione in Rè di Spagna seguita in Saragozza . . .
Year of event 1706
Event description Journey to Spain and entry into Saragossa of Karl, Archduke of Austria (1685-1740), as Carlos III King of Spain (1703-1711), later as Karl VI Holy Roman Emperor
Event type Entries; Journeys and progresses
Event place Saragossa
Publication info Trento, Milan: Marc' Antonio Pandolfo Malatesta; n.d.; 4°
Festival type Illuminations
Rulers Karl VI, Holy Roman Emperor as Carlos III, King of Spain
Shelfmark V&A Piot 791 F
Notes Karl, Archduke of Austria, laid claim to the Spanish throne in 1703 and, as Carlos III, was proclaimed King of Spain in 1706 during the War of Spanish Succession. On his election as Holy Roman Emperor, he relinquished the Spanish throne. The king usually nown as Carlos III is Carlos de Borbón (1716-1788), son of Felipe V, who succeeded in 1759.