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Book ID: 192
Title Das frolockende Berlin, Oder Historische Nachricht Dererjenigen öffentlichen Freudens=Bezeigungen und sinnreichen Illuminationen Die bey hoher Anwesenheit Ihro Königl. Majestät in Pohlen, Und Dero Königl. Printzens Hoheit Daselbst angestellet worden . . .
Authors Ruediger, Johann Andreas (ed.)
Year of event 1728
Event description Illuminations in Berlin for the visit of Friedrich August I, Elector of Saxony (1670-1733), as August II, King of Poland, and his son.
Event type Visits
Event place Berlin
Publication info Berlin: Johann Andreas Rüdiger; 1728; 4°
Pages 68pp + poems
Festival type Illuminations
Rulers Friedrich August I, Elector of Saxony, as August II, King of Poland; Friedrich August II, Elector of Saxony, as August III, King of Poland; Friedrich Wilhelm I, Elector and King in Prussia
Shelfmark BL 9930.dd.3.; HAB Alv.: Le 85 (6); HAB Gm 428
Notes See Book IDs 317-318 for the visit to Dresden in 1728 of Friedrich Wilhelm I and Friedrich II.