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Book ID: 184
Title Einzug und Feuerwerck/ Als Der Durchläuchtigster Fürst und Herr/ Herr Friderich/ Marggraf und Chur-Printz zu Brandenburg/ . . . Seine allerliebste Gemahlinn/ Die Durchläuchtigste Fürstinn und Frau/ Frau Sophia Charlotta/ Geborne Hertzoginn zu Braunschweig und Lüneburg . . . heimführete
Authors Bödikerus, Johannes
Year of event 1684
Event description Entry into Cölln-an-der-Spree of Friedrich, Electoral Prince of Brandenburg (1657-1713) with his second wife Sophie Charlotte, Duchess of Braunschweig-Lüneburg (1668-1705)
Event type Entries; Journeys and progresses
Event place Cölln an der Spree
Publication info Cölln an der Spree: Georg Schultze; 1684; 2°
Pages 8 pp.
Festival type Balls; Banquets and feasts; Dancing; Fireworks; Horse ballets; Musical performances and concerts; Operas; Orations; Pageants; Processions; Entries
Rulers Friedrich III, Elector of Brandenburg, as Friedrich I King in Prussia; Sophie Charlotte, Duchess of Braunschweig-Lüneburg, Queen in Prussia
Artists Sabadini, Bernardo; Aureli, Aurelio; Lotti, Lotto; Mauri, Domenico; Vezzani, Antonio
Shelfmark HAB Gm 4° 244 (2)
Notes In rhyming couplets. The musical performances included: a musical pastoral entitled Apollo in Anfriso; the performance of an opera (La Teodelinda); the performance of a second opera ("Il Favore degli dei" by Aurelio Aurelii with music by Bernardo Sabadini). The ballet was a performance of Lotto Lotti's "L'idea di tutti le perfezioni" and "L'Età dell'oro". The pageant was the "Gloria d'Amore", a water spectacle designed by Aurelio Aurelii, Domenico Mauri and Antonio Vezzani.