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Book ID: 1591
Title Li gran trionphi, et fbste [sic] fatte alla corte de la Cesarea Maesta, per la pace fatta tra sua Maesta, & il Re Christianissimo. La solenne intrata in Burcelles de la Regina di Francia . . .
Authors A., V.M.V.
Year of event 1544
Event description Peace of Crépy-en-Laonnois between Karl V, Holy Roman Emperor (1500-1558), and François I, King of France (1494-1547), in 1544 and entry into Brussels of Leonor, Archduchess of Austria, Queen of France (1498-1558)
Event type Entries; Victory and peace celebrations
Event place Crépy-en-Laonnois
Publication info n.p.; n.d.; 4°
Pages 4pp
Festival type Entries
Rulers Eleonore, Archduchess of Austria, Queen of France; François I, King of France; Karl V, Holy Roman Emperor
Shelfmark BL 1318.c.7.(7.)