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Book ID: 1570
Title La Description et ordre du camp et festiement et ioustes des treschrestiens et trespuissants roys de France et dAngleterre lan mil. ccccc. et vingt au moys de iuing
Year of event 1520
Event description The Field of the Cloth of Gold at Ardres, i.e. meeting between François I, King of France (1494-1547), and Henry VIII, King of England (1491-1547)
Event type The Field of the Cloth of Gold
Event place Ardres
Publication info Paris: Aug. Aubry; 1864; 12°
Pages viii + 23pp
Festival type Banquets and feasts; Jousts; Tournaments
Rulers François I, King of France; Henry VIII, King of England
Shelfmark BL; BL; BNF 8- RA4- 36; BNF RES 8- LB30- 123; BNF Z ROTHSCHILD- 10936
Notes See also Book IDs 1567-1569. BL is one of only ten copies printed on special paper.