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Book ID: 145
Title Beschreibung des Aerndte= und Rosenfestes, welches in Gegenwart J.J.M.M. Franz II. und Marien Theresiens Königs und Königinn von Böhmen durch die Landesstände veranstaltet von dem im Parke Bubenetsch bei Prag versammelten böhmischen Landvolke den 12ten August 1792 gefeyert worden
Year of event 1792
Event description Harvest and flower festival near Prague in the presence of Franz II, later Holy Roman Emperor (1768-1835), and his wife, Maria Teresa di Borbone, Princess of Sicily (1772-1804), King and Queen of Bohemia
Event type Court Entertainments
Event place Prague
Publication info Prague: Johann Gottfried Calve; 1792; 4°
Pages 46pp
Illustrations 2 engravings by Johann Berka
Festival type
Rulers Franz II, Holy Roman Emperor; Maria Teresa di Borbone, Princess of Sicily, wife of Franz II, Holy Roman Emperor
Artists Berka, Johann
Shelfmark BL 9930.pp.7.