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Book ID: 1314
Title Relazione dell'ingresso fatto in Firenze Dalle Altezze Reali del Serenissimo Francesco III. duca di Lorena e di Bar, ec. ec. Granduca di Toscana E della Serenissima Maria Teresa, arciduchessa d'Austria e granduchessa di Toscana. Il dì 20. Gennaio 1738. ab Inc.
Year of event 1739
Event description Entry into Florence of François, duc de Lorraine et Bar (1708-1765), and Maria Theresia of Austria, Imperial Princess (1717-1780)
Event type Entries
Event place Florence
Publication info Florence: Stamperia di S.A.R.; n.d.; 4°
Pages 20pp
Illustrations 1 small engraving at end
Festival type Fireworks; Illuminations; Processions; Triumphal arches; Entries
Rulers François Étienne, duc de Lorraine et Bar, Grand Duke of Tuscany, Franz I, Holy Roman Emperor; Maria Theresia, Holy Roman Empress
Shelfmark BNF 8- RA5- 239
Notes The date is in so-called 'stile fiorentino', according to which the new year did not start until April.