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Book ID: 1234
Title A trve discovrse of the whole occurrences in the Queenes voyage from her departure from Florence, vntil her arriuall at the Citie of Marseilles, together with the Triumphs there made at her entrie; whereto is adioyned her receiuing and entrie into Lyons . . . All faithfully translated out of French, by E. A.
Authors [Aggas, Edward]
Year of event 1600
Event description Entry into Marseilles and Lyons of Maria de' Medici (1573-1642)
Event type Bridal Entries
Event place Florence; Lyons; Marseilles
Publication info London: Simon Stafford for Cuthbert Burby; 1601; 4°
Festival type Entries
Rulers Maria de' Medici, Queen of France
Shelfmark BL 9930.c.38.; BL C.114.d.5.(9.)
Notes The copy at C.114.d.5.(9.) wants the title page and 'The First Savoyan'.