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Book ID: 1230
Title Il Rapimento di Cefalo.Rappresentato nelle nozze della christianiss. regina di Francia e di Navarra Maria Medici
Authors Chiabrera, Gabriello
Year of event 1600
Event description Occasional poetry in honour of the proxy wedding in Florence of Henri IV, King of France (1553-1610), and Maria de' Medici (1573-1642)
Event type Weddings and betrothals
Event place Florence
Publication info Florence: G.Marescotti; 1600; 4°
Pages 27pp
Festival type Verses
Rulers Henri IV, King of France; Maria de' Medici, Queen of France
Shelfmark BL 839.g.45.; BL 840.g.33.; BL HirschIV.1322a; BNF 4- YD- 28; BNF 8- RA5- 168; BNF MFICHE 4- YD- 28; BSB Res/4 L.eleg.m. 370 ; BSB Res/L.eleg.m. 3751
Notes Copies at BL 839.g.45. and BL HirschIV.1322a have 20pp.