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Book ID: 1226
Title Descrizione delle felicissime nozze Della Cristianissima Maestà di Madama Maria Medici Regina di Francia e di Nauarra.
Authors Buonarotti, Michelangelo
Year of event 1600
Event description Proxy wedding in Florence of Maria de' Medici (1573-1642) and Henri IV, King of France (1553-1610)
Event type Weddings and betrothals
Event place Florence
Publication info Florence: Giorgio Marescotti; 1600; 4°
Illustrations 2 small woodcuts
Festival type Balls; Dramas; Intermezzi; Musical performances and concerts; Operas; Processions
Rulers Henri IV, King of France; Maria de' Medici, Queen of France
Shelfmark BL 9930.f.49.; BNF 4- LB35- 763; BNF 8- RA5- 165; BNF MFICHE LB35- 763; BNF P94/2730; BNF RES 8- LB35- 763
Notes Sung dialogue.