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Book ID: 1222
Title Descrizione dell' apparato, e degl'intermedi. Fatti per la commedia rappresentata in Firenze. Nelle nozze de'Serenissimi Don Ferdinando Medici, e Madama Cristina di Loreno, Gran Duchi di Toscana
Authors Rossi, Bastiano de'
Year of event 1589
Event description Wedding of Ferdinando I de' Medici, Grand Duke of Tuscany (1549-1609), and Christine, Princess of Lorraine (1565-1636)
Event type Weddings and betrothals
Event place Florence
Publication info Florence: Anton Padovani; 1589; 4°
Pages iv + 72pp
Illustrations 1 illustration
Festival type Dramas; Intermedi
Rulers Christine, Princess of Lorraine, Grand Duchess of Tuscany; Ferdinando I de' Medici, Duke of Tuscany
Shelfmark BL 605.d.27.(4.); BNF 8- RA5- 153 ; BNF NUMM- 135085; BNF R 153445; BNF YD- 522