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Book ID: 1180
Title Descrizione de gl'intermedii rappresentati con la commedia Nelle Nozze dell'Illustrissimo, ed Eccellentissimo Signor Principe di Firenze, e di Siena.
Year of event 1566
Event description Performance of intermedii in Florence for the wedding of Francesco de' Medici I, future Duke of Tuscany (1541-1587), and Johanna of Austria (1547-1578)
Event type Weddings and betrothals
Event place Florence
Publication info Florence: Filippo Giunti; 1593; 8°
Pages 22pp + i
Illustrations 2 woodcuts
Festival type Intermedi
Rulers Francesco I de' Medici, Duke of Tuscany; Johanna of Austria, Duchess of Tuscany
Shelfmark BL 1071.i.14.(4.); BNF 8- BL- 7523 (4); BNF 8- RA5- 155; BNF 8- RE- 3030 (2)