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Book ID: 1178
Title La Cofanaria, comedia Di Francesco d'Ambra Con gl'Intermedij di Giouam Batista Cini; Recitata nelle Noze dell'Illustrißimo S. Principe Don Francesco de Medici, & della Serenißima Regina Giouanna d'Austria.
Authors Ambra, Francesco d'
Year of event 1566
Event description Performance of 'La Cofanaria' in Florence for the wedding of Francesco I de' Medici, future Duke of Tuscany (1541-1587), and Johanna of Austria (1541-1587)
Event type Weddings and betrothals
Event place Florence
Publication info Florence: i figliuoli di Lorenzo Torrentino e Carlo Pettinari compagni; 1566; 8°
Pages 126pp
Illustrations 1 woodcut
Festival type Comedies; Intermedi
Rulers Francesco I de' Medici, Duke of Tuscany; Johanna of Austria, Duchess of Tuscany
Artists Cini, Giovanni Battista; D'Ambra, Francesco
Shelfmark BL 1071.k.5.(4.); BL 162.a.l.; BNF 8- RA5- 127 (1); BNF YD- 7230
Notes The comedy is by Francesco d'Ambra, the text of the intermedii by Giovanni Battista Cini. Copy at BL 162.a.1. is imperfect, wanting the title page and the second part containing the intermedii.