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Book ID: 1177
Title Apparato per le nozze di Francesco I. de' Medici con Giovanna d'Austria [li 28 novembre 1565 - pubblicato per cura di Luigi Verani]
Year of event 1565
Event description Wedding in Florence of Francesco I de' Medici, future Duke of Tuscany (1541-1587), and Johanna of Austria (1547-1578)
Event type Weddings and betrothals
Event place Florence
Publication info Livorno: Gius. Meucci; 1870; 8°
Pages 15pp
Festival type
Rulers Francesco I de' Medici, Duke of Tuscany; Johanna of Austria, Duchess of Tuscany; Wulliet, Ettore; Maionchi, Luisa
Shelfmark BNF 8- RA5- 124; BNF 8- RA5- 125
Notes Reprinted for the wedding of Ettore Wulliet and Luisa Maionchi in October 1870.