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Book ID: 1170
Title Di una mascherata di cacciatori fatta in Firenze il 25 febbraio 1555 ultima domenica di carnevale. Descrizione epistolare di Ercole Bonaccioli Ambasciatore Ferrarese pubblicata per cura di Ubaldo Angeli.
Authors Bonaccioli, Ercole
Year of event 1556
Event description Carnival in Florence in the reign of Cosimo I de' Medici, Duke of Tuscany (1519-1574)
Event type Carnival celebrations
Event place Florence
Publication info Florence: G. Barbèra; 1898; 8°
Pages 17pp
Festival type
Rulers Cosimo I de' Medici, Duke of Tuscany
Shelfmark BNF 8- RA5- 116
Notes The date given in the title as 25 February 1555 is in so-called 'stile fiorentino', according to which the new year did not start until April. Reprinted for the Rangoni-Bourbon del Monte wedding on 17 February 1898.