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Book ID: 1165
Title Apparato et feste nelle noze dello Illvstrissimo Signor Duca di Firenze, & della Duchessa sua Consorte, con le sue Stanze, Madriali, Comedia, & Intermedij, in quelle recitati
Authors Giambullari, Pier Francesco
Year of event 1539
Event description Wedding in Florence of Cosimo I de' Medici, Duke of Tuscany (1519-1574), and Leonor of Toledo (1522-1562)
Event type Bridal Entries
Event place Florence
Publication info Florence: Benedetto Giunta; 1539; 8°
Pages 171pp
Festival type Comedies; Intermezzi; Entries
Rulers Cosimo I de' Medici, Duke of Tuscany; Leonor of Toledo, Duchess of Tuscany
Artists Gelli, Giovanni Batista; Landi, Antonio; Strozzi, Giovanni Battista
Shelfmark BL 1071.h.1.(1-2.); BL 1071.k.4.(5.); BNF 8- RA5- 111; BNF 8- YTH- 50160; BNF K- 15997; BNF YD- 4095; BNF YD- 6793; V&A Piot G 547
Notes The prologue describes the entry of the bride into Florence. The songs are composed by Giovanni Batista Gelli; the author of the comedy 'Il Commodo' is Antonio Landi; the intermezzi are by G.B. Strozzi. For a modern facsimile edition with commentaries and introduction see Book ID 2955.