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Book ID: 1149
Title Il nobilissimo et ricchissimo torneo fatto nella Magnifica Città di Piacenza nella venuta del Serenissimo Don Giovanni d'Avstria
Authors Bendinelli, Antonio
Year of event 1574
Event description Tournament held in Piacenza by Alessandro Farnese (1545-1592), son of Ottavio Farnese, Duke of Parma and Piacenza (reigned 1547-1586), to celebrate Don Juan of Austria (1547-1578), natural son of Emperor Karl V (1500-1558) and the victor of the Battle of Lepanto (1571). Alessandro Farnese also fought at Lepanto.
Event type Victory and peace celebrations
Event place Piacenza
Publication info Piacenza: Francesco Conti; 1574; 4°
Pages 59pp
Festival type Tournaments; Verses
Rulers Alessandro Farnese, Duke of Parma and Piacenza; Juan de Austria (Don John of Austria), natural son of Karl V, Holy Roman Emperor
Shelfmark BL 9930.ccc.23.; HAB Lk 107; BNF 8- RA5- 818; BNF K- 5373 (1); BNF MFILM RES- K- 1315 ; BNF RES- K- 1315
Notes In Italian, but includes laudatory verses in Latin.