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Book ID: 1097
Title Descrizione delle due machine di artifizio Erette in Roma nella Piazza de SS. XII. Apostoli In occasione di presentarsi la Chinea alla Santità di N.S. Pio P.P. VI da S.E. il Sig. Don Filippo Colonna . . . come ambasciatore straordinario di S.M. il Re delle due Sicilie . . . Nelle due sere de' 28., e 29., Giugno dell'Anno 1787.
Year of event 1787
Event description Fireworks in Rome for the presentation of the 'chinea' to Pope Pius VI (Giovanni Angelo Braschi - 1775-1799) by Filippo Colonna, Ambassador of the King of the Two Sicilies
Event type Local Festivities: Chinea, Rome
Event place Rome
Publication info Rome: Stamperia del Casaletti; 1787; 4°
Pages 4pp
Festival type Cavalcades; Fireworks
Rulers Colonna, Filippo; Pius VI (Giovanni Angelo Braschi), Pope
Shelfmark V&A Piot F 1083
Notes The 'chinea' is a ceremony of homage by the King of Naples to the Pope, which includes a cavalcade and the payment of tribute. It is medieval in origin and was held every year on the vigil of the feast of Sts Peter and Paul. The word 'chinea' comes from Old French haquenée, meaning a horse, the form the tribute originally took.