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Book ID: 1008
Title Relazione della presentazione della Chinea fatta dall'illmo . . . D. Fabrizio Colonna
Year of event 1722
Event description Presentation of the 'chinea' in Rome by Fabrizio Colonna to Pope Innocent XIII (Michelangelo Conti - 1721-1724)
Event type Local Festivities: Chinea, Rome
Event place Rome
Publication info Rome: stamp. del Bernabò; 1722; 4°
Festival type Cavalcades
Rulers Innocent XIII (Michelangelo Conti), Pope
Shelfmark BNF 8- RA5- 1084 ; BNF R 35021
Notes The 'chinea' is a ceremony of homage by the King of Naples to the Pope, which includes a cavalcade and the payment of tribute. It is medieval in origin and was held every year on the vigil of the feast of Sts Peter and Paul. The word 'chinea' comes from Old French haquenée, meaning a horse, the form the tribute originally took.