Book records
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Records found: 7
Id | Title | Author | Year |
1615 | Ceremonial at the Marriage of Mary Queen of Scots with the Dauphin of ... | Ellis, Sir Henry (ed.) | 1818 |
2521 | Collections relative to the Funerals of Mary Queen of Scots | P., R. (ed.) | 1822 |
1612 | Discours du grand et magnifique triumphe, fait au mariage de ... | 1558 | |
1613 | Discovrs dv grand et magnifique trivmphe faict au mariage de ... | 1558 | |
1611 | Discovrs dv grand et magnifique trivmphe faict au mariage du ... | 1558 | |
1614 | Epithalamivm Francisci Valesii, illvstriss. franciæ Delphini & ... | Turnebus, Adrianus | 1558 |
1618 | Les triomphes faictz à l'entrée de Françoys II et de Marye Stuart ... | Galitzin, Augustin (introd.) | 1857 |