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Book ID: 954
Title Breve raggvaglio Di quanto è accaduto in Roma a Sig. Mandarini Venuti cō il P. Guido Tasciard della Compagnia di Giesù, Inuiato Straordinario dal Rè di Siam dopo l'Vdienza hauuta da N.S. Innocenzo XI
Year of event 1688
Event description Entry into Rome to visit Pope Innocent XI ([Blessed] Benedetto Odescalchi - 1676-1689) of the Siamese ambassadors led by Guy Tachard, S.J. (1648-1712), a French Jesuit, who had initially been sent to Chiina by Louis XIV and was then invited to Siam by the King of Siam.
Event type Entries; Visits
Event place Rome
Publication info Rome: Domenico Antonio Ercole; 1689; 4°
Pages 8pp
Festival type Entries
Rulers Innocent XI (Benedetto Odescalchi), Pope; Tachard, Guy, S.J.
Shelfmark V&A Piot F 829