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Book ID: 714
Title Descrittione della festa fatta in Bologna nelle nozze de gli ill.mi Sig.ri il Sig. Piriteo Malvezzi et [sic] la Signora Donna Beatrice Orsina. Il di XVIII. di novemb. MDLXXXIV.
Year of event 1584
Event description Wedding in Bologna of Piriteo Malvezzi and Beatrice Orsina
Event type Weddings and betrothals
Event place Bologna
Publication info Bologna: Alessandro Benacci; 1585; 4°
Pages 42 fol.
Illustrations 2 small decorative woodcuts
Festival type Allegorical figures; Tournaments
Rulers Malvezzi, Piriteo; Orsina, Beatrice
Shelfmark BNF 8- RA5- 18
Notes Piriteo Malvezzi was a military man who fought at Lepanto. Incl. representations of Perseus and Andromeda.